Dog Walking Services
Your dog needs daily exercise, but fitting walks into your schedule can be tough! Our dog walker is here to help! Whether your dog needs a morning stroll, a lunchtime break, an evening walk, or additional support with exercise and training, our structured walks provide the perfect solution. Your dog will receive the exercise, training, and mental enrichment they need with our dog walker, while you enjoy peace of mind knowing their needs are met.
Unlike other dog walking services, our structured walks are led by certified trainers! During these sessions, we incorporate training and loose-leash exercises to enhance your dog’s behavior. We offer a variety of walking options, including training walks, sniff walks, and exercise walks. See below for more details:

We Keep Your Home and Pets Safe!
Our business is an insured and protected LLC. We take your home and pet's safety very seriously. Your keys are securely kept in a lockbox and stored in our home when not in use. Key copies will be returned to you immediately upon the completion of any walking package. An entrance and exit routine will be discussed and carried out every time we enter and exit your home with your dog. Our certified trainers will make sure all walking equipment is securely fitted and in good condition to ensure your dog will not get loose or escape their collar, leash, or harness on a walk.
Pricing and Walking Packages
Individual Sessions
Standard Exercise Walk
In your Neighborhood 25-35 min: $20
At park or other remote location 25-35 min plus travel: $30
Training Walks 25-35 min: $25
Sniff Walks
30 minute walk $25
45 min walk $35
Standard Exercise Walk 5 session Packages
In your Neighborhood $85
At park or other remote location $130
Training Walks 5 Session Packages $105
Sniff Walks 5 Session Package
30 minute walk $105
45 min walk $150
Mix and Match 5 Session Package
Choose a combination of any of our walking options. $135