Advanced Good Manners - Wed. @ 7:15pm
Learn behaviors like come, stay, loose leash walking, and impulse control around other dogs/people.
Available spots
Service Description
Our Advanced Good Manners class builds on the skills learned in our Basic Good Manners class. This class teaches more advanced behaviors and works on maintaining your dogs focus/attention around high level distractions. At the end of this 4-week class you and your dog will learn the behaviors of heel, place, settle, leave it/drop.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
I understand that I must give Ready Set Train two weeks' notice to transfer to a new class or withdraw from a class I am enrolled in. A $15 dollar processing fee is charged for any refund issued. If two weeks' notice is not given for cancellations/transfers, I understand that Ready Set Train! will not issue any refund and no class transfer will be allowed. Exceptions can be made due to emergency, but this will be determined by the trainer at the time of the cancellation request.
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